Santa Ynez Valley

Santa Ynez Valley
Our Backyard

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

California Spring Wildflowers - Part 9

 ... continued from Part 8



Bush Poppies

One section of Figueroa Mountain Road often has Bush Poppies and Bush Lupine blooming next to each other.

As we headed down towards Happy Canyon Road we found a wildflower we haven't often seen.  This member of the lily family is called a Fairy Lantern.

Chinese Houses and Purple Vetch

A Delphinium called Parry's Larkspur

As we neared the bottom of the mountain, we started seeing more Farewell-To-Spring wildflowers.


California Spring Wildflowers - Part 8

On May 8th we made our sixth trip up Figueroa Mountain Road to check the progression of the wildflower bloom.

The Chinese Houses were in full bloom.

We started seeing Farewell-To-Spring wildflowers blooming.  These are an indicator that the wildflower bloom is coming to an end.

We saw a new flower blooming called the Wine Cup Clarkia.

Lots of Golden Yarrow

Blue-eyed Grass

Mariposa Lilies and Crinkled Onions

The succulents were now blooming.

The Bush Lupine along the road were in full bloom.

A variety of wildflowers making colored bands.

Indian Paintbrush

Scarlet Bugler Penstemon

To be continued...

California Spring Wildflowers - Part 7

 As we started our fifth visit on Figueroa Mountain Road, Grass Mountain was at peak color.

The Hummingbird Sage was putting on a nice display.

We saw more of the Red-skinned Onions blooming.

This trip we started seeing lots of Crinkled Onions blooming.

Good displays of Poppies covered several parts of the mountains.

 We took a short side trip on the recently opened Catway Road (aka Zaca Ridge Road).

A nice display down below the road.

Distant Phacelia

Another great display up above the road

On this visit we took the road up to the top of Figueroa Mountain and passed great displays of Lupine.

A view of the ridge called Hurricane Deck from the mountain top

A great display of Poppies on the back way down

Further along Figueroa Mountain Road, we found more Chocolate Lilies than we remembered seeing in one place before.